
  Week 2          4-(3-15),2023 We have completed our MTC training and last night, arrived in San José Costa Rica. Our time in the MTC was so uplifting, encouraging, educational and spiritual.  It is so great to be surrounded by people all in the same situation as we are.  We would greet each couple with “where are you from? Where are you going?”  We met couples going to Ethiopia, Ghana, North/South Carolina, Florida, Arizona, Peru, Arkansas, California, New York, and Australia to name a few.  Our district was made up of four couples; The Stoners, going to Calgary, Canada, The Pendleton’s going to New Zealand; and The Harris’ going to New Delhi, India.  We built an amazing bond with our district couples as we shared our experiences and our testimonies and had too many opportunities to role play with one another. There was a lot of laughter during the two weeks and tears as we said goodbye to our new friends. The first week we had Preach my Gospel classes from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m with

April 3rd 2023 We have arrived!

We have said goodbye to our family and friends and started out 18 month mission to the Costa Rica San Jose West Mission. It was pretty hard seeing all the grandkids hugging their GiGi goodbye one last time, and there were plenty of tears. One of the initial experiences that Kristen Anne was able to have was the entrance onto the plane at 5:50am Monday morning the 3rd.  She got to experience the sadness of leaving, being replaced with the excitement of entering into a new and unknown world.  Having sent 6 of our children off on missions, we can remember the empty feeling that is left after they are gone. This time was different it was our turn!  As we touched down in Salt Lake City, we were greeted by a raging snow storm. We were warned to bring a warm coat if our report date was before March 31st, but we are in April RIGHT???  no such luck... we were not prepared for the cold. It snowed for 3 days straight. As we entered the MTC we were run through the usual orientation process and the